how to cook East African Chapati

 East African Chapati is a beautiful unleavened flat Bread eaten in East Africa in Countries like Burundi Uganda, Mozambique, Kenya,… It has a delicious but subtle flavor that is why it can be easily paired with almost any dish whether sweet or savory making it an extremely versatile side dish staple.

How to make the East African Chapati

The East African Chapati is very similar to the Indian Paratha (one of the most popular unleavened flatbreads in India). However, culture might have played its role in the slight difference in its mode of preparation compared to the Indian variety.

A little background on Chapati

Here is a little background for those who are not too familiar with this bread: Chapati is an unleavened flatbread which is believed to have its origin from India. Though many other theories are suggesting that its origin is from East Africa, some believe it’s from Persia. However, what we are sure about is that the relationship between early travelers and traders made this flatbread popular and even a staple in other regions like Nepal, Carribean Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.
